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Faculty - Design

Headshot of Margie Tillman Ayres

Margie Tillman Ayres

Adjunct Lecturer - Design

Hannah Beryyhill

Hannah Berryhill

Lecturer - Design

headshot of Francois Boudreaux

Francois Boudreaux

Adjunct Lecturer in Design

Bryan Bradshaw

Bryan Bradshaw

Adjunct Lecturer - Design

Headshot of Edson Cabalfin

Edson Cabalfin

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Director of the SISE Program, Professor of Practice

Headshot of Patti Dunn

Patti Dunn

Professor of Practice in Design

Headshot of Marion Leigh Forbes

Marion Leigh Forbes

Adjunct Lecturer - Design

Headshot of Jonathan House

Jonathan House

Adjunct Lecturer in Architecture & Design

Hannah Kenyon

Hannah Kenyon

Visiting Assistant Professor - Design

Tiffany Lin

Tiffany Lin

Director of the Design Program, Favrot V Associate Professor of Architecture

Adam Newman

Adam Newman

Adjunct Lecturer - Design

headshot of Martha Pearson

Martha Pearson

Adjunct Lecturer in Design

Nick Perrin

Nick Perrin

Professor of Practice in Design

headshot of Meghan woman

Meghan Saas

Design Program Associate Director, Visiting Assistant Professor - Design

Headshot of Jill Stoll

Jill Stoll

Professor of Practice

Headshot of Kelly J. Tierney

Kelly J. Tierney

Adjunct Lecturer - Design

Headshot of Jesse Toohey

Jesse Toohey

Adjunct Lecturer- Architecture and Design, Millhaus Manager

headshot of Thomas Wimberly

Thomas Wimberly

Adjunct Lecturer in Design

Ann Toachim

Ann Yoachim

Director, Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design, Professor of Practice