Real Estate Development
The Tulane School of Architecture and Built Environment offers coursework in real estate including a real estate bachelor’s degree and real estate development graduate degrees. All programs focus on experiential learning and are taught by leaders in academia and the real estate development profession. The coursework is interdisciplinary in nature, including topics in real estate finance, development, economics, design, planning and legal issues.
Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development
The Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development (MSRED) degree is practice-oriented and emphasizes opportunities for students. We equip our graduates with a blended education in business, economics, sustainable design, urbanism, and legal issues.
Bachelor of Science in Real Estate
The Bachelor of Science in Real Estate (BSRE) is a comprehensive undergraduate major that teaches the core concepts of real estate including real estate finance and project management, while integrating unique offerings including design and related environmental concerns.
Minor in Real Estate
The Minor in Real Estate is designed to introduce the essential knowledge and skills for entry level positions and careers in the real estate industry. Students can complete the minor requirements during the Fall and Spring semesters, or through an intensive, 12-week Summer program.
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Real Estate
The graduate Sustainable Real Estate Development Certificate curriculum program gives students the basic tools and knowledge to navigate the demands of being part of a development team and contribute with solutions that provide a lasting, positive impact on the project, its users and surrounding community.
Video Spotlight

John L. Renne, Ph.D., AICP
Program Director of Real Estate Development, and Henry Shane Professor in Real Estate and Urban Planning Program

John Huppi
Associate Program Director of Real Estate Development, and Professor of Practice in Real Estate Development