Certificate in Real Estate Development
The Graduate Sustainable Real Estate Development Certificate curriculum gives students the basic tools and knowledge to navigate the demands of being part of a development team and contribute with solutions that provide a lasting, positive impact on the project, its users and surrounding community. This certificate can supplement both our Master of Architecture degree, and our Master of Preservation Studies degree
Students who earn the SRED Certificate will be able to:
• Understand basic concepts of real estate finance needed for determining a project’s viability.
• Understand sustainable design and construction principles.
• Identify real estate finance products that can be applied to a project.
• Understand the urban environment and its relationship to the political, economic, environmental, and cultural context.
Program logistics
The SRED Certificate program starts with an intensive summer semester: four courses over five eight weeks, starting in early July June through the first week of August. Students join the incoming class of the Master of Sustainable Real Estate Development for these introductory courses. This summer session ends with a week-long Field Study trip, usually to Washington, DC and Philadelphia. Following the summer semester, SRED Certificate students must take the SRED 6230: Real Estate Finance course offered during the fall semester in order to complete the requirements.
Degree Information
Suggested Plan of Study (PDF, text)
Students must submit a completed Certificate in Sustainable Real Estate Development application form to Associate Director of Real Estate Development John Huppi. Applications must be submitted by the second semester of the student’s second year.