Pavilion Student Experience

With Richardson Memorial Hall (RMH) undergoing renovation, the Tulane School of Architecture (TuSA) moved our studios and operations to five temporary pavilions on Tulane’s Newcomb Quad and will be working out of these spaces through Fall 2023. While we are excited for the renovation, we know studio culture and time spent with fellow students in and around RMH has been a significant part of life at TuSA.
Therefore, while we may be away from our home temporarily, TuSA hopes to not only continue, but enhance the student experience in the pavilions through the facilitation of student-driven design competitions, student exhibitions, improvement and beautification efforts, student engagement events and much more.
In 2022, we launched our first Newcomb Quad Pavilion Design Competition that asked students to consider the physical presence of the pavilions on campus and how temporary installations can engage our student body and the campus at large. After a school-wide selection process including a jury of staff, faculty, and students, the final project was selected on April 8th to be built during 2022. We want to continue this type of work but…We Need Your Help!
Donate Now to Support the Following:
- Future TuSA Pavilion Design Competitions
- Temporary Instillation Construction to Enhance Pavilions
- General Pavilion Beautification & Improvements
- Student Exhibitions in Pavilions
- Student Engagement Activities & Events in Pavilions
- Purchases of Digital Fabrication resources to enhance Pavilion Fabrication Labs
Donate now to the “Pavilion Student Experience” designation on the Tulane Giving Page.
Additional Project Specific Sponsorship Opportunities
$3,000- One Student Studio Computer Scholarship
$5,000- Student Pavilion Exhibition Sponsorship
$10,000- Food Truck Friday All-School Event Sponsorship
$15,000- Future Semester-Long Pavilion Design Competition Sponsorship
To pursue a project-specific sponsorship opportunity, please reach out directly to Kristen Jones at for more information.