Lecture Series 2020-21: Inhabiting the Planet

We are in an unprecedented time of crises – environmental, health, racial and social inequality – that threaten human existence and are intimately linked to the built environment, urban fabric, infrastructure, and architecture.
The Tulane School of Architecture's Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Virtual Lecture Series discusses ways of inhabiting the planet from different perspectives, analyzing how architecture intersects with social, racial, environmental, economic, and health issues. Each event proposes a dialogue and examination of architecture with the participation of guest lecturers and respondents, including: Craig Barton Robin Bartram, Richard Campanella, Andy Horowitz, Margarita Jover, Neil Kleiman, Thomas A. LaVeist, Wendy Redfield, Rubén García Rubio, and Ann Yoachim.
October 19, 2020
Edson G. Cabalfin, PhD (Tulane School of Architecture). Click here for the lecture recording.
October 26, 2020
Jesse M. Keenan, PhD (Tulane School of Architecture). Click here for the lecture recording.
February 1, 2021
Andrés Jaque (Office for Political Innovation/Columbia GSAPP). Click here for the lecture recording.
February 8, 2021
Daniela Rivero Bryant (Tulane School of Architecture). Click here for the lecture recording.
March 1, 2021
Sara Jensen Carr, PhD (A ’03, Northeastern University). Click here for the lecture recording.
March 8, 2021
Mónica Rivera (Emiliano López Mónica Rivera Arquitectos/Washington University in St. Louis) Recording not publicly available.
March 15, 2021
Kate Orff (SCAPE/ Columbia GSAPP) Recording not publicly available.
March 29, 2021
Bryan Lee Jr. (Colloqate). Click here for the lecture recording.
April 5, 2021
Albert Pope (Rice Architecture). Click here for the lecture recording.
April 19, 2021
Andrea Bardón de Tena (Tulane School of Architecture) and Guillermo Lockhart Milán (Tulane School of Architecture). Click here for the lecture recording.
To register for upcoming lectures, visit our Events Calendar.
To view past lecture recordings, visit our YouTube page.
Tiffany Lin receives Weiss Presidential Fellowship for Undergraduate Teaching
Tiffany Lin, Associate Professor and Director of the Design Program, was recognized for her dedication as an educator at Commencement 2022.