Fall 2024 Final Reviews
and Exhibitions

December 3 - 14, 2024
Tulane School of Architecture
New Orleans, LA
The Tulane School of Architecture announces the schedule of our Fall 2024 Final Reviews and Exhibitions. This multi-day event features presentations of student work in architecture, design, historic preservation, and real estate development.
Details are below, including a list of guest reviewers scheduled to attend sessions (scroll to the bottom). Check back for updates or changes to the schedule.
ARCH 1011
Core Foundation Studio | Drawn Together: Studio Sketchbooks
Wednesday, December 4 | 9am - 10:30am | Exhibition | NQ1 Pavilion, TuSA Uptown, Tulane University
- Faculty: Andrew Liles (coordinator), Ira Concepcion, Jason Blankenship, Sergi Serrat, Hannah Kenyon, MC Matucheski, Alper Turan, Courtney Jones, Ben Derlan
ARCH 2021
Intermediate Core Studio | Bonnet Carré Spillway Research and Visitors Center
Friday, December 6 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Cordula Roser Gray (coordinator), Adam Marcus, Wes Michaels, Cynthia Dubberley, Austin Lightle, Smith Marks
ARCH 2311
Digital Media | Exhibition
DATE AND VENUE UPDATE: Tuesday, December 10 | 1pm - 3:30m | Exhibition | NQ1 Pavilion, TuSA Uptown, Tulane University
- Faculty: Austin Lightle, Alper Turan
ARCH 6021
Intermediate Core Studio | Bonnet Carré Spillway - Building and Landscape Studio
Monday, December 9 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Downtown, NOCHI Room 448
- Faculty: Emek Erdolu
ARCH 3031
Architectural and Urban Design Studio | Urban Resilience & Los Angeles
Monday, December 9 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Rubén García Rubio (coordinator), Irene Keil, Isabel Verhaeghe, Xeni Stoumpou
ARCH 6980
Graduate Thesis Research | Master of Architecture
Monday, December 9 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Downtown, 4th Floor of NOCHI
- Faculty: Ammar Eloueini (coordinator)
ARCH 6031
Intermediate Core Studio | Architectural Symbiosis: Besthoff Foundation, Magazine Street
Tuesday, December 10 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Downtown, 4th Floor of NOCHI
- Faculty: Ammar Eloueini (coordinator), Mostafa Akbari
ARCH 6980
Graduate Thesis | Master of Science in Architectural Research and Design | Stone Stitching by Nicholas LiCausi
Wednesday, December 11 | 10:30am - 12pm | Review | AIA New Orleans Center for Design, 1000 St. Charles Avenue
Thursday, December 12 | 5:30pm - 8pm | Exhibition | AIA New Orleans Center for Design, 1000 St. Charles Avenue
- Faculty: Adam Marcus (thesis director)
ARCH 3312
Advanced Digital Media | Exhibition
Friday, December 13 | 9am - 12pm | Exhibition | TuSA Uptown, NQ 1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Adam Marcus (coordinator), Liz Camuti, Mostafa Akbari
DESG 1880
Foundations of Textile Construction | Pinnacle Parka
Tuesday, December 3 | 3pm - 4:30pm | Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
Thursday, December 5 | 3pm - 4:30pm | Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Patti Dunn
DESG 1005
Fundamentals of Design and Making | Mask Design for Maker's Eve
Thursday, December 5 | 9am | Second Line Procession | Start at TuSA Uptown NQ4 Pavilion
- Faculty: Jill Stoll (Coordinator), Patti Dunn, Francois Boudreaux
Thursday, December 5 | 3pm | Second Line Procession | Start at TuSA Uptown NQ4 Pavilion
- Faculty: Jill Stoll (Coordinator), Kelly Tierney, Marion Forbes
DESG 4005
Design Studio III | Mending Kit
Thursday, December 5 | 12pm - 3pm | Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Nick Perrin
DESG 3010
Prototyping Solutions | Exhibition
Friday, December 6 | 11am - 3pm | Exhibition | TuSA Uptown, front lawn of NQ Pavilions
- Faculty: Nick Perrin (coordinator), Bryan Bradshaw
DESG 3005
Design Studio II | Community Center Interior Design
Monday, December 9 | 12pm - 3pm | Review | Lavin-Bernick Center's Rathskeller Lounge at Tulane University
- Faculty: Hannah Berryhill (coordinator), Martha Pearson
DESG 4931
Advanced Digital Making | Exhibition
Thursday, December 12 | 10am - 12pm | Exhibition | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Jesse Toohey
Real Estate Development
SRED 3070
Real Estate & Urbanism | Real Estate Listings Fit for Commerce: Lake Terrace
Wednesday, December 4 | 12pm - 3pm | SRED 3070-02 Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
Thursday, December 6 | 12pm - 3pm | SRED 3070-01 Review | TuSA Uptown, NQ1 Pavilion
- Faculty: Tyler Antrup
SRED 3080
Real Estate Capstone Studio | Market Street Power Plant
Thursday, December 5 | 9am - 12pm | Review | Off campus
- Faculty: Will Bradshaw
Research Studios
Preservation Studio I | St. George's Episcopal Church - National Fund for Sacred Places Project
Monday, December 9 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Downtown, NOCHI Room 252
- Faculty: Alex David Barthel
Appropriation and Modification: Swiss Models of Regeneration of Buildings, Urban Space, and Constructive Technique (a Mintz Travel Studio)
Tuesday, December 10 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Downtown, NOCHI Room 448
- Faculty: Wendy Redfield
Carbon Budget Zero
Tuesday, December 10 | 9am - 5pm | Review | TuSA Downtown, NOCHI Room 212
- Faculty: Sonsoles Vela
The New Orleans Public Space Project
Tuesday, December 10 | 9am - 5pm | Review | AIA New Orleans Center for Design, 1000 St. Charles Avenue
- Faculty: Sean Fowler, Iñaki Alday
Small Center, Urban Farming on the Greenway
Tuesday, December 10 | 9am - 5pm | Review | Sprout House on the Lafitte Greenway, 2501 St. Louis Street
Saturday, December 14 | 2pm - 5pm | Ribbon-Cutting | Sprout House on the Lafitte Greenway, 2501 St. Louis Street
- Faculty: Eric Lynn and John Coyle, with support from Albert and Tina Small Center faculty and staff
URBANbuild 20, Phased Urban Impact
Tuesday, December 10 | 1pm - 5pm | Review | TuSA's Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design, 1725 Baronne Street
- Faculty: Byron Mouton
Gulf Coast Climate Futures: Reclaiming Abundance in Texas’ Golden Triangle (a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines Gulf Research Studio)
Wednesday, December 11 | 10am - 4pm | Review | TuSA's Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design, 1725 Baronne Street
- Faculty: Liz Camuti
Guest reviewers from outside the school are noted below in bold font, and those who are also alumni are noted with their TuSA degree and graduation year. TuSA faculty serving as internal reviewers are also listed below.
Mostafa Akbari (TuSA); Iñaki Alday (TuSA); Sarosh Anklesaria (Carnegie Mellon University, Studio Sarosh Anklesaria); Tyler Antrup (TuSA); Lauren Alexander Augustine (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine - Gulf Research Program); Davon Barbour (New Orleans Downtown Development District); Alex Barthel (TuSA); Scott Bernhard (TuSA); Hannah Berryhill (TuSA); Stan Berthaud (Architect); Traci Birch (Louisiana State University); Haley Blakeman (Louisiana State University); Emily Bullock (Spackman Mossop Michaels); Edson Cabalfin (TuSA); Richard Campanella (TuSA); Liz Camuti (TuSA); Bear Cheezem (TuSA); Page Comeaux (LSU, Colloqate Design); Cynthia Dubberley (TuSA); Michelle Stanard Duhon (Southkick Preservation); Steve Dumez (TuSA); Ammar Eloueini (TuSA); Emek Erdolu (TuSA); Todd Erlandson (TuSA M.Arch '87, March Studio); Lauren Ferrand (Ferrand Design); Sean Fisher (TuSA M.Arch *12, Sean Fisher Architect); Sherrie Forrest (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine - Gulf Research Program); Rubén García Rubio (TuSA); Brian Gibbs (Brian Gibbs Development); Tyler Guidroz (TuSA M.Arch '13, EskewDumezRipple); Maggie Hansen (University of Texas); Mark Hash (EskewDumezRipple); John Huppi (TuSA); Randy Hutchison (TuSA M.Arch '97, Randy Hutchison Architects, CSRS Inc.); Hugh Jackson (TuSA); Nick Jenisch (TuSA); Ina Kaur (Tulane School of Liberal Arts); Hilton Kelley (CIDA); John Kleinschmidt (Waggonner & Ball); Ghassan Korban (New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board); Lane Kozicz (TuSA M.Arch *18, Cicada); Graham Ledoux (Architect); Emile Lejeune (TuSA M.Arch '13, Williams Architects); Nick LiCausi (TuSA); Austin Lightle (TuSA); Tiffany Lin (TuSA); Steffen Llehmann (University of Nevada Las Vegas); Cornisha Lyons (Trapolin-Peer Architects); Javier Marcano (TuSA); Adam Marcus (TuSA); Wells Megalli (TuSA M.Arch *17, Dean's Advisory Council, Person Place Thing); Tiffany Melançon (TuSA M.Arch '96, Melançon & Co.); David Merlin (TuSA M.Arch *08, Made Design); Jesus Meseguer (TuSA); Wes Michaels (TuSA); Ian Mills (Morris Adjmi Architects); Annalisa Molini (Tulane School of Science and Engineering); Thomas Mouton (Architects Design Studio); Dalia Munezon (University of Houston); Will Nemitoff (M.Arch '14; Professional Artist, Curious Form); Tsz Yan Ng (University of Michigan); Katie Nguyen (TuSA M.Arch *16, EskewDumezRipple, Louvis Services); Casius Pealer (TuSA); Paula Peer (TuSA Dean's Advisory Council, Trapolin-Peer Architects); Ebrahim Poustinchi (Kent State University, STUDIO EP); Wendy Redfield (TuSA); Carol Reese (TuSA); Sophie Riedel (Waggonner & Ball); Cordula Roser Gray (TuSA); Liz Russell (TuSA); Sergi Serrat (TuSA); Steven Sculco (Clemson University); Michelle Smith (Anthropocene Alliance, CIDA); Zach Smith (Zach Smith Consulting & Design); Jill Stoll (TuSA); Jonathan Tate (TuSA); Jesse Toohey (TuSA); Kentaro Tsubaki (TuSA); Alper Turan (TuSA); Sonsoles Vela (TuSA); Noah Verret (Noah Verret Assoc. AIA); Emilie Taylor Welty (TuSA); James Wheeler (Dunwoody College, Public Design Exchange); Lou Anne White (Louvis Services).
For questions, contact the school's main email at architecture@tulane.edu or call 504-865-5389.
Tulane University is committed to providing universal access to all our events. Please contact the event organizer above for accessibility accommodations. Please note that advance notice is necessary to arrange some accessibility needs.