Digital Media
This semester’s digital media course introduces digital tools and techniques for their application in architectural production. The primary objective is the cultivation of a drawing practice that facilitates critical thinking, the testing of design ideas, and effective communication. Each week explores fundamental concepts in architectural representation that include a range of two- and three-dimensional media and workflows. Students will work through orthographic (plan, section, elevation), axonometric, and perspective projection drawings of mixed media with an overall emphasis on the integration of digital drawing techniques. The course uses lecture and workshop formats to foster critical perspectives and technique development, respectively. Classes will consist of lectures, demonstrations, workshops, and pin-ups.
During lectures, the teaching team will discuss topics from assigned readings, situate the content in historical and professional domains, articulate lesson objectives, and demo software tools and techniques. During pin-ups, the teaching team will evaluate outcomes from students’ drawing lessons of the previous week’s assignment. In addition, we will utilize the studio setting for an ongoing workshop format to aid content development, assist with questions regarding the week’s assignment, and actively work through lesson goals, tool comprehension, and any other roadblocks or details that materialize. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be proficient in skills and concepts underlying the representational strategies to produce architecture.