Travel Opportunities

The School of Architecture and Built Environment sponsors various domestic and overseas programs of study, research, and travel.

Institution for advanced architecture of Catalonia

Study Abroad

Undergraduate Students interested in studying abroad are required to meet with their Newcomb Tulane College Advisor, their Major Advisor at the Tulane School of Architecture and Built Environment and the Office of Study Abroad. Graduate students interested in study abroad should reach out to Andrew Lorelli.

The School of Architecture and Built Environment collaborates with the Office of Study Abroad to maintain a wide variety of international programs. Students can access the most up to date information here.

Travel Fellowship Opportunities

Each year the Tulane School of Architecture and Built Environment awards over $50,000 to support student travel and research.  This research travel typically takes place during the summer break and allows students to expand their education by funding location-based independent research projects. Recent fellowship recipients have traveled around the world to cities such as Singapore, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Paris, and more.

This year we are excited to announce a new Malcolm Heard Travel Fellowship- Venice Biennale Competition opportunity! This prestigious fellowship will offer a two week most-expenses paid research trip to the Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy.

Please review the attached Call for Proposals PDF with information on the different travel fellowships and how to apply!

Proposals are due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday, November 3, 2024, to the online application.  These proposals will be reviewed, and recipients will be notified during the week of December 9, 2024.

Global Research Studios

Our students also have the opportunity to participate in Saul A. Mintz Global Research Studios, a program that gives students an opportunity to work internationally on critical global issues.

This program funds travel for faculty and students associated with international research through design studios the opportunity to travel abroad to do field work. Recent studio classes traveled to India, Ethiopia, Ecuador, and Switzerland as part of this program.