Digital Media Tutors

TuSA has partnered with the Academic Learning & Tutoring Center to provide supplemental instruction centering, Adobe, Rhino, Revit, and the digital tools utilized in Studio.

Digital Media Tutors are available virtually and by appointment. Reach out to them using their contact information below. Check in with the Tutors at the start of your appointment here.

2024-2025 DMTs

Headshot of Charlotte Love Square

Charlotte Love

Available to Graduate and Undergraduate Students.

Sunday 2:00 PM-4:00 PM Via Zoom
Wednesday 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Via Zoom 

Also available by appointment; email for more information.

Headshot of Jack

Jack Morris

Available to Undergraduate Students

Sunday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM NQ2 or Via Zoom Wednesday 5:00PM-7:00 PM NQ2 or Via Zoom

Also available by appointment; email for more information.

Contact Andrew Lorelli if you have questions about the TuSA Digital Media Tutors Program for students.