Thesis Highlights

NAS Gulf Research Studio

Gulf Coast Research Studio Render
Fall 2022

The Gulf Coast Research Studio is organized as a road map to produce a Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) for the Deltaic Region able to catalyze partnerships and support for implementation. The timeline is organized into three parts: conceptualization, engagement and knowledge development, and implementation preparation. The fall studio is focused on Phase 1, Conceptualization. Research will range from the building, material, infrastructure, to landscape scales.


Gulf Coast Research Studio Render
Gulf Coast Research Studio Transect Section
Gulf Coast Research Studio Elevation
Gulf Coast Research Studio Designing the Elements Diagram
Gulf Coast Research Studio Facilities Diagram
Gulf Coast Research Studio Methods for Reparations
Gulf Coast Research Studio Diagrams


Liz Camuti, Visiting Assistant Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, along with Margarita Jover, Associate Professor in Architecture