Thesis Highlights

URBANbuild 18, Phased Urban Impact

URBANBuild 18 Research Studio Cover Image
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Since 2005, the URBANbuild (UB) program has realized a body of housing work, primarily in the economically challenged neighborhood of Central City. Last year UB initiated a master planning partnership with the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of New Orleans, and phase one of an anticipated four unit multifamily complex was completed. This UB18 studio will envision phase two developments of that complex. The outcome of fall semester research and design efforts will be realized in the spring through the fabrication of a home by students.


URBANBuild 18 Research Studio prototype interaction
URBANBuild 18 Research Studio final review
URBANBuild 18 Research Studio final review
URBANBuild 18 Research Studio final review


Byron Mouton, Lacey Senior Professor of Practice in Architecture