Certificate in Preservation Studies
The Certificate in Preservation Studies is open to Tulane University graduate students. Due to the robust presence of historic preservation in America today and that roughly half of the country’s construction work involves rehabilitation of existing buildings, a Certificate or Dual Degree in Preservation from an established program such as Tulane’s Preservation Studies program is a valuable addition to any graduate program. The Certificate in Preservation Studies is designed for students in the M.Arch program or Sustainable Real Estate Development (MSRED) who wish to gain general knowledge understanding and ability in this specialized field of study and practice. The Tulane School of Architecture offers this Certificate for current graduate students and it requires 15 hours of coursework.
Due to the robust presence of historic preservation in America today and that roughly half of the country’s construction work involves rehabilitation of existing buildings, a Certificate or Dual Degree in Preservation from an established program such as Tulane’s is a valuable addition to one’s terminal degree in Architecture or Sustainable Real Estate Development.
Applicants to this program must submit a completed Certificate in Preservation Studies Application form to the Dean’s office by the second semester of their third year.
Suggested Plan of Study (PDF, TXT)

Heather Veneziano
Interim Program Director, Associate Program Director, and Professor of Practice in Historic Preservation