Tyler Antrup
Visiting Assistant Professor in Real Estate Development
Tyler Antrup is an urban planner, designer, climate activist, and educator. He currently serves as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Tulane University’s School of Architecture. His teaching focuses on sustainable real estate development, urban planning and design, climate adaptation, green stormwater infrastructure planning and design, and issues of equity and racial disparity in urban development. He also currently serves as the District D representative on the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans. He previously served as the Director of Planning and Strategy for the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans where he led strategic and system planning. He has a decade of experience in sustainable urban water management, working mostly in New Orleans to implement green infrastructure solutions to flooding. Prior work included serving as the Urban Water Program Manager with the City of New Orleans’ Office of Resilience and Sustainability, and as a planner with the City Planning Commission and GCR Inc (now Civix). His work has included development and implementation of New Orleans’ first stormwater code, work on plans such as the New Orleans Main Street Resilience Plan, HousingNOLA, and authoring the Economic Benefits section of the Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan. He holds a Master’s degree in Sustainable Real Estate Development from Tulane University, and a Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning and Design from the University of Missouri- Kansas City.