Jacquelyn Dadakis
Adjunct Assistant Professor - Sustainable Real Estate Development
Jackie is the Managing Director of GCE Services, the division of Green Coast Enterprises that provides strategic consulting services to property owners, municipalities, and utilities seeking to be more energy efficient. Before joining Green Coast, Jackie worked for Clean Energy Solutions, Inc. as a senior consultant developing innovative financing strategies for energy efficiency and creating community-utility partnerships for the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance and the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance under the Department of Energy BetterBuildings Program. Jackie also worked for Rebuilding Together, a national non-profit with affiliates in over 200 communities in the United States providing free home repair to low-income homeowners.
As an Americorps VISTA, she launched Rebuilding Together’s response to Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast.
Jackie holds a Masters in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.A. in Economics from Claremont McKenna College. In September of 2014, she was elected President of the Board of the Alliance for Affordable Energy, a New Orleans based non-profit that fights on behalf of consumers for better utility regulation. She is also a board member of the transit policy and advocacy organization Ride New Orleans.