Summer Design Competition

Tulane School of Architecture is hosting its second annual Summer Design Competition through Instagram, starting June 9. The TuSA Summer Design Competition will cover seven categories of representation styles, design, making and art. Seven juries of school faculty will vote each week for the top five winners, and prizes will be awarded.
The competition is open to incoming, current, and newly graduated students (Class of 2021). This includes students who are minoring in programs at the school and who have taken courses via programs run by the school.
To submit an entry, students must post their single image/animation/photo entry on their Instagram account, indicate the competition category they are entering, and tag @tulanearch and #TulaneDesignCompetition. The entry post must be made during the week of the designated competition category. The competition is limited to one entry per student, per category. The entry must be work created by the student. This could be new work or previous work produced in the last year or more. Finalists will be asked (via private message on Instagram) to verify their student status by providing their full name, Tulane ID number, and Tulane email address.
The first place winners of each category will receive a $100 prize. The four additional finalists of each category will receive $50 prizes. Prizes will be given in the form of direct payments to current students and honoraria to newly graduated students.
The faculty jurors include: Errol Barron, Michael Dalle Molle, Rubén García Rubio, Irene Keil, Nick LiCausi, Wendy Redfield, Catherine Restrepo, Kenneth Schwartz, Emilie Taylor Welty, and Ann Yoachim. The juries will not receive student names, only the work submitted.
Winners will be announced with a post on the school's Instagram account and Instagram Story every Wednesday, starting June 16, and will follow the schedule below.
Week 1: Drawing/Painting/Sketching by Hand.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, June 9. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, June 13. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, June 16.
Week 2: 2D Drawing/Elevation/Section.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, June 16. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, June 20. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, June 23.
Week 3: Isometric/Axonometric Drawing.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, June 2 3. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, June 27. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, June 30.
Week 4: Digital Rendering/Perspective.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, June 30. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, July 4. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, July 7.
Week 5: Animation.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, July 7. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, July 11. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, July 14.
Week 6: Physical Making.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, July 14. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, July 18. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, July 21.
Week 7: Collage.
Opening date to post entries is Wednesday, July 21. Deadline to enter is 5pm Sunday, July 25. Winner and finalists announced on Wednesday, July 28.

Sukkah in the age of coronavirus
Every year, for the past 11 years, students in the Tulane School of Architecture have built a sukkah, an open-air hut-like structure under which Jews celebrate Sukkot, a week-long fall harvest festival.