Mintz Global Research Studios return from inaugural trips abroad

This past month Tulane School of Architecture students and faculty traveled to India and Ethiopia as part of the school's new Saul A. Mintz Global Research Studios. Dean Iñaki Alday and Research Assistant Professor Monisha Nasa accompanied students to India for the studio "The Rajasthan Cities: Jaipur." The team is working with stakeholders in the region on the recovery of urban ecologies, restoration of the city edges, and extensive systems in water harvesting, mobility, energy and cultural infrastructure.
Assistant Professor Rubén García Rubio, Adjunct Assistant Professor Sonsoles Vela Navarro and students in the studio "Addis Ababa River Project" visited Ethiopia and toured the areas of the city where the studio is focused, the Upper Kebena river, and met with local institutions in academia, architecture, foreign aid and international diplomacy.
Click here to view pictures from the teams' trips abroad.