Best of Architecture New Orleans 2020 names alumni, faculty among honorees

Alumni of Tulane School of Architecture were recently honored in the annual New Orleans "Best of Architecture" article, authored by Professor Emeritus John Klingman for New Orleans Magazine.
As Klingman writes: "Rarely have so many works of contemporary architecture come online in New Orleans in a single year as they did in 2019. The new airport terminal, the great enlargement of Historic New Orleans Collection gallery spaces, the new Children’s Museum and the Pavilion in the greatly expanded New Oreans Museum of Art Besthoff Sculpture Garden are all projects that significantly enhance the community. They are, coupled with several others of note, with a variety of uses, that also extend our tradition of architectural excellence."
Below is a list of alumni and affiliates who are named in the 2020 New Orleans "Best of Architecture":
- Framework
- Cordula Roser Gray (design for the Claret bar and restaurant within Framework), Faculty
Stock Residence
- Byron Mouton, Faculty and A '89
- Daniel McDonald, A '16
Louisiana Children's Museum
- Mac Ball, Former Board Member
- Charles Sterkx, A '88
- David Demsey, A '07
- Dennis Horchoff, E '75
Historic New Orleans Collection Exhibition Center
- Brian Swanner, A '92
- Mac Ball, Former Board Member
- Charles Sterkx, A '88
- Dennis Horchoff, E '75
- Jerry Blanchard, A '06
- Kate Bertheaud, A '11
- Emily Hayden Palumbo, A '16
- Steve Scollo, A '97
St. Michael Special School Chapel
- Robert Boyd, A '91
Sculpture Pavilion, Besthoff Sculpture Garden, New Orleans Museum of Art
- Sara Harper, A '17
Next to Next to Nothing
- Elliott Perkins, A '00