Minor in Real Estate

The Minor in Real Estate introduces the essential knowledge and skills for entry level positions and careers in the real estate industry. Students can complete the minor requirements (five courses) during the Fall and, or Spring semesters, or through an intensive, 12-week Summer program (see below for the Summer Minor). The coursework includes the following:

  • SRED 2010 Introduction to Real Estate
  • SRED 2020 Real Estate Transactions
  • SRED 2030 Real Estate Market Analysis & Finance
  • SRED 2040 Fundamentals of Real Estate Development
  • SRED 45xx Elective

No prior coursework is required to start taking courses in real estate.

Real world knowledge and practical skills!

Summer Minor

For students interested in coursework over the summer term, we offer an intensive, 12-week Real Estate Summer Minor. This is the same five courses required to obtain a Minor in Real Estate. During the summer, students take the following coursework:

  • SRED 2010 Introduction to Real Estate
  • SRED 2020 Real Estate Transactions
  • SRED 2030 Real Estate Market Analysis & Finance
  • SRED 2040 Fundamentals of Real Estate Development
  • SRED 4515 Sustainable Urban Development (elective)

The summer schedule starts with a 2-week Maymester for SRED 2010. Then, students take two consecutive 5-week terms starting with SRED 2020 and 2030, then SRED 2040 and SRED 4515.

Summer classes are offered as virtual courses.

Students are also allowed to register for one or more classes during the summer term, combining coursework with other Fall and Spring courses, towards the Minor in Real Estate.

Tuition for the full Real Estate Summer Minor is $10,000. Students who wish to enroll in one or more classes (not the full five courses), are subject to the standard per-credit hour tuition cost established by the University.

If you have questions or to register for courses in the Minor in Real Estate, or Real Estate Summer Minor, please feel free to contact Associate Director John Huppi (jhuppi@tulane.edu).

Degree Information

Plan of Study (PDF, txt).

SRED Major/Minor Declaration Form (PDF).

Program Information

When and where will the Real Estate Minor Summer Institute be held?

The Real Estate Minor Summer Institute takes place in the Tulane School of Architecture. Each summer, the program runs for 12-weeks, starting during the 2-week Maymester, and continuing during the two consecutive 5-week summer terms. All classes are scheduled MTWR, except during the Maymester term which meets MTWRF. Classes are scheduled during the morning (9-11am) and late afternoon (3-5pm). Occasionally, there are required and optional events on Fridays and Saturdays.

Can I take some courses this summer and complete my real estate minor next summer?

Yes. Students wishing to obtain a Minor in Real Estate in one summer must enroll in all five courses. However, students may also mix and match with other SRED courses taught during the Fall and Spring semesters either towards a Minor in Real Estate or a Bachelor of Science in Real Estate. The Real Estate Summer Minor is a popular option for students who 1) wish to pair their primary major with a Minor in Real Estate, and 2) wish to pursue a double major, go abroad, or are changing their majors as upperclassmen. In both situations, students benefit from earning credit during the summer semester.

The tuition rate for all five Real Estate Summer Minor courses is $10,000. Students who wish to take just one or two courses are subject to the University’s standard credit hour tuition rate.

Does the program have a final exam period similar to the regular school terms?

No. Final exams are taken during the last week of each session.

Will there be homework or outside reading?

Yes. Participants of the program are expected to complete assignments in-class and out-of-class. Students are also tested to ensure a solid grasp of the academic curriculum. Required textbooks are determined by each individual Professor and students will be notified of any required purchases prior to the start of the program.

Are there any pre-requisite courses?

No. There are no required pre-requisite courses. In general, all students from all departments and backgrounds are encouraged to register for the program. Students can also use the Real Estate Summer Minor as an entry point towards the Bachelor of Science in Real Estate.

Where will I live while attending the program?


Is on-campus housing mandatory?

While housing is optional, participants are strongly encouraged to reside on campus, as this component has proven to expand the learning environment outside of the classroom and accelerate group discussions and networking. Further, the "dorm life" exposes students to different ideas, cultures, personalities and experiences, allowing students to become better-rounded, open-minded individuals.

Does tuition include a meal plan? Do my WaveBucks roll over for use during the summer?

While meal plans are not included in the cost of tuition, the program does occasionally provide meals to students in particular during special events and tours. Tulane meal plans do not roll over for use. Specifically, Wavebucks and NOLAbucks expire at the end of the spring semester, typically mid-May.

Course Descriptions

I. SRED - 2010 Introduction to Real Estate (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with the basic concepts related immovable property, including its economic and legal aspects and the development process. In addition, the course delves deeply into the unique mechanisms through which real estate has been used to perpetuate racism and resulted in serious inequalities that exist in the United States today. The course also includes a major group project called UrbanPlan. The goal of this project is for students to deeply engage in the complex nature of city-making and the decision process that leads to our built environment and learn from each other as they play specific roles in the development team.

II. SRED 2020 - Real Estate Transactions (3 credits)

This lecture course provides a foundational survey of the key actors, instruments, business models and laws shaping the purchasing, selling, leasing, devising, and development of real estate. The course is grounded in understanding the basic principles of contract and property law. Thereafter, these laws are understood within a variety of instruments ranging from deeds and leases to mortgages and UCC-1 financing statements. Beyond the mechanics of these instruments, students are exposed to a variety of closing and financing workflows and documentation associated with transacting residential and commercial properties. These processes will then be explored within the confines of due diligence, risk management and alternative dispute resolution techniques that are utilized to manage risk, uncertainty, and litigation liabilities. Beyond core transactions, students will be exposed to those laws, regulations and contracts that shape the development process within the public and private sectors. This will include a review of zoning and land use laws, fair housing and anti-discrimination laws, construction contracting, project delivery models, and public sector procurement, financing and subsidization. Through an understanding of the transactional and regulatory aspects of real estate, students are prepared for professional practices that must negotiate a variety of public and private interests.

III. SRED 2030 - Real Estate Market Analysis and Finance (3 credits)

This course aims to introduce real estate market analysis and finance to students from different backgrounds. The course will start out simply by exploring single-family housing developments before moving on to more complex mixed-use developments. The degree to which the concepts of market analysis and finance are taught will be commensurate with the scale of each form of development. Students will learn how to conduct a fundamental market study and create a financial pro forma for transaction analysis in this course. Learning and performing real estate market analysis, understanding real estate finance fundamentals, and developing pro forma are among the topics that are covered in this course.

IV. SRED 2040 - Fundamentals of Real Estate Development (3 credits)

This is an introductory course that exposes students of all backgrounds to the fundamentals of real estate development. Through a hands-on case study, students will learn how to conduct a thorough due diligence analysis, including market research, financial projections, and building programming. Students will also learn how to prepare a deal package to be used for presenting to banks, investors, and other parties.

V. Approved SRED Elective (4 credits)


How much does the program cost? What does my fee cover?

The total cost of tuition for the Real Estate Summer Minor program (exclusive of university and/or course fees) is $10,000. Tuition covers the cost of the five required courses, and other activities such as networking events, career development activities, and all required extracurricular events, including all associated costs and transportation.

Students wishing to take just one course during the summer semester are subject to the standard credit hour fee rate set by the University each year.

Do you offer financial aid or payment plan options?

The Real Estate Minor Summer does not offer or accept financial aid of any kind, including Institutional Merit Scholarships and Full-Time Division Undergraduate Student Grants.

How do I apply to the program?

There is no application process for students interested in earning the Minor in Real Estate during the summer. If you are interested, please contact the Associate Director of Real Estate Development, John Huppi.

Can I enroll if I am an international student?

Yes. The Real Estate Minor Summer Institute welcomes international students from all majors and universities. Students from outside Tulane must enroll to Tulane through the Tulane Summer School website.

Does the program count towards credit for the MSRED Program?

No. The minor program is an introductory program designed for undergraduate students who want to diversify their academic background or prepare for an entry-level position in the real estate development industry. The MSRED program is designed for graduate students with several years of related or unrelated work experience and are looking to begin or enhance their careers in real estate development. However, minor students who are interested in applying for the MSRED program after completing their undergraduate studies are still encouraged to do so. The minor curriculum is a great primer for the full MSRED program.

For more information, contact John Huppi (jhuppi@tulane.edu).